Retirement planning
Get started - understanding your retirement
Helping you understand the basics of where to start with planning your retirement
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Life expectancy
Knowing how much you need for a realistic lifespan means you won’t run out of money
Life expectancy
Life expectancy
Retirement lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle can you afford in retirement?
Retirement lifestyle
Retirement lifestyle
Lifestyle explorer
Explore how your pension value and age affects the type of lifestyle you can aim for in retirement
Lifestyle explorer
Best annuity quote
Find the best annuity rate in the UK market
Best annuity quote
Best annuity quote
Pension approach
Next steps - understand what help you may need
Best annuity rate
Find the best annuity rate in the market using our guidance journey
Best annuity rate
Low cost advice
What is advice? How we create a personalised approach just for you.
Low cost advice
Pension facts
What do you need to know?
Pension Freedoms
Pension Freedoms allow you choice about how you use your pension savings.
Pension freedoms
Pension Freedoms
What is an annuity?
An annuity is a guaranteed income that's normally paid for the rest of your life.
What is an annuity?
What is drawdown?
Drawdown is a flexible way to take income from your pension savings, while your pension savings remain invested.
What is drawdown?
What is cash?
It's possible to take up to 25% tax free, with the rest being taxed as income.
Taking cash
What is cash?
Mixing my options
You can mix using an annuity and drawdown to provide a combination of certainty and flexibility.
Mixing options
Mixing my options
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Who are Pension Potential?
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Pension Potential is a Punter Southall Company.
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Helping everyone achieve their best retirement
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Pension approach
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Best annuity rate
3 mins
Find the best annuity rate in the market using our guidance journey
Low cost advice
3 mins
What is advice? How we create a personalised approach just for you.