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Minimum living standards

Will the future we want be the future we're able to get?

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Key facts

  1. The Pension and Lifetime Savings Association Retirement Living Standards have been developed to help us to picture what kind of lifestyle we could have in retirement.
  2. A 'minimum' lifestyle will require £14,400 per year for an individual or £22,400 for a couple.
  3. A ‘minimum’ lifestyle covers all your needs, with some left over for fun and social occasions. You could holiday in the UK, eat out about once a month and do some affordable leisure activities about twice a week.
Reading time

5 mins


What you need
An understanding of the income your pension will provide in retirement

Key themes at a glance

State Pension
The full state pension for 2024-25 is £11,500 per year
Minimum lifestyle
Will require £14,400 per year for an individual and £22,400 for a couple
Private pensions
£40K - 70K approx. fund size required to meet the minimum lifestyle

Minimum Lifestyle

A minimum standard of living in the UK today includes, but is more than just, food, clothes, and shelter. It is about having what you need in order to have the opportunities and choices necessary to participate in society.

Here are some categories of costs you need to consider in retirement, and the Living Standards estimates for each:

House - DIY £100 a year to maintain condition of your property.

  • Household bills (e.g. water, council tax, insurance, electricity)
  • Telephone bills (landline and mobile) and line rental
  • Decorating and maintenance
  • Furniture, cleaning supplies, lightbulbs, cooking utensils, appliances (e.g. fridge, washing machine), garden supplies, towels, bedding, etc.
  • Gardener/cleaner/window cleaner (if applicable)
  • Funeral plan (if applicable)

Food - Around £50 a week on groceries, £25 a month on food out of the home, £15 per fortnight on takeaways.

  • Eating out budget
  • Groceries
  • Beer and wine

Transport - No car, £10 per week on taxis, £100 per year on rail fares.
Car (if applicable)

  • Railcard and train travel
  • Taxis

Holidays & Leisure - A week long UK holiday. Basic TV and broadband plus a streaming service.

  • TV, DVD player, laptop, printer, speakers, CDs and stationery supplies
  • TV license and subscriptions
  • Internet
  • Activities
  • Holidays, spending money and passport

Clothing & Personal - Up to £630 for clothing and footwear each year.

  • Clothing and footwear budget
  • Cosmetics, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving supplies, hair styling, beauty treatments (if applicable), suitcases, umbrellas
  • Dentist, opticians, podiatry, minor first aid (e.g. plasters, paracetamol)

Helping Others - £20 for each birthday and Xmas present. £50 a year charity donation.

  • Gifts for others
  • Helping others (if applicable)
  • Charitable donations

What should I do next?

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